Project Manager

About the Job

PIN currently is seeking energetic, disciplined, responsible Project Manager

Length of Contract: definite (until December 31, 2027)

Place of Work: – Based in Yabello Oromia Region with frequent travel to PIN’s project sites in different regions as required.

Salary: 77,088 birr

The Project Manager (PjM), under direct supervision of the Consortium Coordinator is fully responsible for successful implementation of PIN’s specific deliverables in the consortium project. The PjM is responsible for the achievement of specific results in the field, ensuring the highest possible quality and timeliness of the result. The Project Manager will also work in close cooperation and coordination with other departments such as MEAL, HR, Finance & Logistics and other partner staff working under the same consortium project.

The PjM will be responsible for the overall management and successful implementation of the project under PINs specific deliverables in the Consortium. This will include managing the entire components of the project and required deliverables/outcomes, ensuring both technical and management requirements are met, and managing relevant government /stakeholder and donor liaison requirements.

The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring that key organizational principles and approaches, such as sound M&E system, CRM and gender mainstream etc. are well integrated throughout the project cycle; for ensuring that lessons derived through implementation of projects are well articulated, documented and disseminated both internally and externally.

 Project Manager specific tasks are


  • Everything related to the project cycle management, including planning, needs assessment/ identification, proposal preparation, budgeting, monitoring, reporting, financial management, cash flow planning, management of local teams, etc.
  • Ensure the project is delivered according to the contractual requirement with the donor, i.e. all activities and deliverables are completed within the agreed timescale and budget, reports are submitted as per the agreed schedule and formats and any other requirements or criteria are fulfilled as specified in signed agreements and PIN internal guidelines.
  • Ensure the project is fully understood and internalized by all field project staff, and senior staff.
  • Regularly review and update the detailed annual and periodic work plans with project implementation details and ensure this is used by the whole project team to monitor project progress towards completion.
  • Ensure programmatic and financial reports for donors, government and PIN are prepared as required, ensuring these are of a high quality and submitted to the Consortium Coordinator and respective department(s) in a timely manner for submission to the donor and government.
  • Prepare project agreements and amendments (where needed) for the regional government office on a timely basis. 
  • As primary budget holder for this project, be responsible for the overall management and revision of a realistic budget, ensuring proper utilization and monitoring expenditure in line with the budget and donor guidelines, PIN financial guidelines. This will include preparation of spending budget plan and, supervision of monthly variance analysis reports on all budgets.
  • To highlight and prepare, together with the Finance Unit, documentation for any project modifications, amendments or extensions which require donor and/or Government consent and approval. Ensure such changes are made in close consultation with the Head of Programmes (HoP) Consortium Coordinator (CC), IFU/program support, Finance staff and all relevant project staff and senior managers.
  • To provide guidance and supervision to the field-based project staff, to ensure they clear objectives, understanding of the project and receive regular supervision and reviews. To provide overall project oversight and work plan for the rest of the project team.
  • Ensure the project’s financial and procurement status and progress is monitored monthly with the Finance and procurement Units.
  • Conduct in regular field-based project review meetings, and monitoring visits and provide the necessary report to the Hop and CC.
  • Accompany and facilitate donor and government visits and provide relevant background information and materials as needed. 
  • Ensure donor and PIN visibilities as per the requirements and guidelines  
  • Liaising with authorities and partners and professional engagement with beneficiaries as per PIN’s Code of Conduct
  • Ensure the delivery of any donation or distribution of materials to beneficiaries and government in timely manner and as per PIN policy and project documents. Ensure all the necessary documentation is fulfilled 
  • Responsible for preparation of contracts and start the work flow in ELO, follow the workflow status
  • Responsible on conducting project need assessment in collaboration with the relevant body(ies).
  • Meeting all project related deadlines


  • Participating in the selection procedures pertaining the onboarding national project staff and ensuring due process with coordination with HoP, CC and HR in the termination of work contracts
  • Supervision of the local project team performance and their understanding of the project deliverables and engagements with external stakeholders
  • Support of professional growth of the staff, ensuring minimum staff turnover to the extents possible
  • Ensuring the maintenance of good personal relations within and without (externally)the organization
  • Managing and supervising the field staff attendance sheet and their per diems as per PIN Policy


  • Support of new assessments
  • Suggestions on improvements of program’s quality, relevance and efficiency
  • New proposals writing under supervision of the HoP and CC.


  • Adhere to the security rules of PIN and enforcing the security rules with the project team
  • Prepare project procurement plan on time, submit purchase request and primary responsible in following up of the procurement status and ensure the delivery of materials in quality and timely manner
  • Ensure the technical inspection of the procured materials are done by the respective stakeholders or technical staff. 
  • Make sure procured materials are with quality as stated in the specification or as per PIN standards and beneficiary/stakeholder request
  • Proper processing and documentation of all tenders both in ELO and hardcopy
  • Responsible for weekly car request every Thursday and make sure the vehicle is used properly and efficiently
  • Responsible for preparation of stock sheet and provide to the Finance unit on time and follow the stock management procedure as per PIN policy.
  • Organizing projects logistics including transport, purchasing, stocking, etc.


  • Other assignments corresponding to actual needs of the mission.


Binding documents

  • Project document – understanding the project narrative, log frame and attachments
  • Budget – monthly following the project budget utilization, avoiding under- and over expenditures
  • Contract – understanding and fulfilling all contract obligations including general and specific conditions
  • PIN and donor’s policies

Approval processes

  • Payment approval of the budgeted costs up to 36,000 ETB, utilizing PIN approval form (on the basis of Power of Attorney)
  • Contract approval and signature up to 36,000 ETB (on the basis of Power of Attorney)
  • Coding of the bills within the PIN system (based upon the PIN card signature)


  • Understanding and adherence to PIN procurement guidelines
  • Understanding and utilizing system of PIN contract and payment approvals
  • Understanding the taxation system

Other: other assignments corresponding to actual needs of the project, program or mission up on the request of line manager/CMT

ACCOUNCOUNTABILITY AND SAFEGUARDING including Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH)

  • Carry out the duties in accordance with the PIN Code of Conduct and Key policies.
  • Participate in training and awareness raising (CoC and KP, Safeguarding…).
  • Implement Safeguarding measures throughout the project cycle including a risk analysis related to SEAH and Child protection for each project and develop a mitigation plan accordingly.
  • Ensure that his/her team members attend training and awareness sessions and carry out the duties in accordance with PIN Code of Conduct and Key policies. 
  • Ensure that due diligence and/or capacity assessments of partners include an assessment of partners’ implementation of key safeguarding and risk policies/ procedure including the prevention of SEAH.  
  • Create and maintain a fulfilling and protective environment. 

General obligations and responsibilities

  • The Employee is obligated not to purvey any information concerning any of PIN activities to outsiders (including former PIN employees, who may no more be informed about current process in PIN).
  • PIN is a relief and development organization whose aim is to help and assist needy people. The Employee’s position within the institution requires contacts with outside; he or she therefore conveys a certain image of the PIN. PIN expects its Employees to behave in appropriate manners at all times and in all places. All members of staff should ensure their attitudes correspond to PIN principles, both during and after working hours.
  • The Employee takes over the responsibility for all entrusted material or cash. The Employee is obligated to cover all damages or losses caused by his carelessness. The Agreement of Liability of Assets has been signed separately.


  • Standard work schedule of 40 hours per week from Monday to Friday
  • Per diems for working and Accommodation outside of the duty office depending on the location
  • Transport Allowance
  • Bank loan facilities
  • 20 days of paid annual and after 5 years of work an extra paid day for every year
  • Extra days of paid leaves for selected holidays
  • Medical insurance, including spouse and children
  • Accident insurance for all injuries during work time based on the law
  • Pension contribution of 11 % from PIN
  • Paternity leave of extra 2 paid days above the mandatory 3 days
  • Maternity leave according to the law and extra financial motherhood support
  • Monthly mobile phone hybrid tariff
  • PIN supports fast career growth and internal mobility
  • International environment with opportunities to learn from other PIN’s country programs
  • Extensive Capacity Building program, both internal and external trainings, including the Induction training
  • Internal online learning opportunities, such as access to PIN’s e-learning platform and webinars
  • Annual staff retreat
  • Friendly and fair work environment with small collective where everyone knows each other

About You

  • Management Education & TVETs development, Sociology, Social work, Partnership Development, Rural Development, Business Administration/Developmental economics, Economics, Marketing system development.  
  • 5 years and above Experience in Project management, EU Project management, stakeholders management and engagement, strategic planning, management, reporting, communication with donor, government authorities & partner NGOs, partnership development, coordination with various stakeholders, forums, clusters, etc.
  • Good networking, representation and coordination and negotiation skills with stakeholders, government and other agencies.
  • Planning, coordination and report writing skills
  • Good communication and capacity to work under stress
  • Good command of MS Package (Word, Excel, Power Point and Outlook)
  • Knowledge of spoken & written Amharic, English 
  • 3 strong references (will be crosschecked/contacted.

Required Skills

  • Communication

How To Apply

  • Interested applicants for the position should send their CV and Cover letter as soon as possible via the following link Apply to Project Manager Position-EC until November 29/2024
  • People in Need is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct and committed to promoting the welfare of children and adults with whom People in Need engages /is in contact with. People in Need expects all staff to perform job duties and responsibilities in accordance with People in Need code of conduct and key policies (available at: People in Need Staff will undertake the appropriate level of training.
  • All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks.
  • We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organization and encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.
  • Please note: PIN does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training or any other fees). 

Women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Deadline: November 29th 2024