‘Field Coordinator’ for Early Childhood development project

About the Job

Care for Child and family Organization /CCFO/ is an indigenous, non-governmental, non-profit, secular, legally registered Ethiopian resident charity organization working in partnership with ChildFund Ethiopia and dedicated to bring long lasting and sustained changes in the lives of disadvantaged children and youths through enhanced role of parents, youth and Children in three core programmatic areas, namely: Early Childhood Development (ECD), Basic Education and Youth Development.  Currently CCF-O has got a 1-year project fund from Child fund on Early childhood development in Arsi Zone, Sire woreda of Oromia regional state to establish holistic childcare centers. Therefore, CCFO currently looking for qualified, committed and competent “Field coordinator” to organize and manage Childcare centers by adopting and utilizing ChildFund Ethiopia’s coaching, and supportive supervision tools in the above mentioned woreda of Oromia region. 

Job summary

The Field Coordinator will work with the team of “Care for Child  and Family Organization/CCF/”, project workers partner/stockholder and community facilitators in Arsi  Zone Sire  woreda .  The project will establish community based childcare centers in the target woreda and each childcare center will manage around 20 children selected from Mothers who are PSNP participants and run by a community facilitator.

The project contributes to economic and social empowerment of the targeted mothers through incorporating digital financing, adult literacy as well as  availing spaces for the childcare centers, creating linkages for the mothers and children with existing services such as vital events registration, vaccination, growth and monitoring checkups, etc., and joint design, and monitoring of project towards ensuring ownership and sustainability The Field coordinator is responsible to: organize and coordinate the collection, compilation, consolidation and analysis of data; prepare monitoring plans; Monitor and evaluate activities, assess impact and prepare and compile timely  reports of the project progress, in line with the project document

Responsibilities and tasks

  • Plan, organize, coordinate and implement project activities in line with the project document 
  • Cascading trainings on Early Childhood Development/Education, and Women Economic Empowerment
  • Coaching, Mentoring, and Supporting childcare workers, and community facilitators
  • conduct regular supportive supervision visits at each childcare centers and provide coaching to community facilitators to ascertain the quality[1] of the childcare centers and improve interaction with  children
  • follow up and ensure the 20 PSNP mothers from each of the childcare centers will be organized into Self-Help Groups (SHGs) to overcome their economic, social and personal challenges 
  • Ensure ECD committees are  established timely  from the onset of the project, comprising of local government sectors from education, health, women and social affairs, and district administration
  • Ensuring quality of childcare centers and health of Self-Help Groups 
  • ensure quality implementation and  project sustainability in Collaborating with government and non-governmental stakeholders 
  • provide Regular technical support for the SHGs in collaboration with Women Economic Empowerment Specialist from Child Fund Ethiopia and other relevant organization staff
  • creating linkages for the mothers and children with existing services such as vital events registration, vaccination, growth and monitoring checkups, etc
  • Creatively engaging with community members to address issue of quality ECD programming, women economic empowerment, intimate partner violence, child nutrition, and engagement of fathers/male partners 
  • Carryout regular activity monitoring and supportive supervision and onsite staff coaching and timely feedback
  •  Undertake data analysis and compilation of data for reporting requirements; 
  • Organize trainings, workshops, and learning sessions 
  • Participates in the documentation and dissemination of lessons learned;

About You


Bachelor’s degree/MA in Early childhood Education, or Psychology, Sociology, or closely related field of study is required 

Work experience: 

       At least 4 years in similar project implementation and direct experience in early child development in NGO    environment is highly preferred.   

Technical and other skills

  • Knowledge and experience on Early Childhood Development/Education 
  • Prior experience of engagement with direct community members is needed
  • Knowledge of local language and project site/context is needed
  • Prior experience of providing participatory trainings, coaching, and mentoring is needed
  • Experience working with local government and non-government stakeholders is needed
  • Highly organized, demonstrated analytical skill;
  • Proficiency in English, both verbal and written;
  • Good oral and written communication and interpersonal skill;
  • Demonstrated experience in reviewing data for quality and accuracy;
  • Firm belief in teamwork, gender equality, and sensitivity, inclusiveness, Child well-being, participatory approach and Sustainability
  • Proficient in computer skill  specially in MS office
  • Personal competence: courage, excellence, interpersonal skills, team’s sprit building, information monitoring, facilitating change, proactive problem solving, planning & organizing.
  • Motor cycle driving license skill is required

Required Skills

  • Analytical skills
  • Teamwork
  • Microsoft Office Pack: Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Outlook, Powerpoint
  • Communication
  • Problem solving

How To Apply

Interested applicants can submit their Application cover Letter (1page), Updated CV (not more than 3pages including three work related references)-as a single document Only in E-mail 

bosetmanager@gmail.com to with the subject line “Field coordinator, CCFO” within 10 days of the announcement of this vacancy, and applications received on or before 5:30PM of the last 10th date.

Academic Credentials and other supporting documents are not required at this application stage. Only short listed candidates will be acknowledged and called for the recruitment written and interview tests. 

NB:- Hardcopy application will not be accepted; and also any phone call and in person communication to CCFO